These were taken Saturday evening after we returned home. The sun was nearly set, so in photography talk, these were shot at a HIGH ISO, which = grain..but I liked them anyway..
He's sweet isn't he??? Hmmm.

This is the view from the side yard, looking towards the backyard. This really tells you that family lives here, a family of BOYS!! J's actually standing in a hole, the boys have been digging for years. Dan no longer allows them to have shovels, you think that stops them, no, it just slows them down.. I didn't mark the bike trail but you can see it behind J.. it goes clear around the house. And, yes, there is a TYPO, I put 'cards' for cars...OOPS..

J went down the slide, AFTER it had sprinkled. He came down and went hands down on the ground and had to show me his 'DIWT'..

Aww, he is adorable! Even with the high ISO and the grain, you can tell these are great shots. Did you try using the noise reduction tool on PS? it doesn't always work, but it might help!
LOL, fun pictures. Looks like it is warming up for sure!
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