Friday, January 11, 2008

From earlier this week...

It looks like I'm not going to be able to snap anything today..Been a bit tired today and need to head out of the house for a little bit. We're ALL going shopping this evening..Going to head out the the local Super Walmart. The boys have some money in their pockets and they are begging to spend a little of it.. and I need some groceries...I'm craving Frozen Grapes (thanks Aunt Sharon for introducing them to me)..

So, you'll have to see images from earlier week...

This first one is out of focus, but OH WELL...he's mine, he's smiling cute and I'm printing it..

This one was during our wonderfully warm weather earlier this week..No, MOM, we weren't outside log with him not wearing a shirt..

And, yesterday...B and L..

And Baby J, refusing his mother eye contact..oh well, I love the happiness he's expressing so it's definitely a keeper...

And, my B...he's always willing to let me capture those eyes...

Thanks for looking..


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