I did get outside to take some pictures today. D was very nice to sit still for me today. I wanted to try to find the 'sweet spot' of my lens. While reviewing it I seen that many suggested stopping down to F4, so that is exactly what I did. And WOW, did I get some sharp images. My color stinks, just a WB setting. I can't use my ExpoDisc with this baby- my expo I think is only 77, and this lens calls for an 82mm.. So I'll either be getting a whibal card or another expodisc. These were taken using my Tamron 28-105mm 2.8. Love the lens, and now I love it stopped down....

Baby J was a sweetheart today too.. The first was taken inside, just under the sunlight coming into the house. The second was taken out on the sidewalk.

And another from our vacation..Just to prove I did go to the ocean. My husband is the videographer and I am the photographer. So, this is about all you will see for a picture of me, as I rarely get in front of the camera.... If you look close, you can see Dan, and Daniel and Luke playing in the ocean... Guess I was a wee bit too wide open...But I still love it..
Great shots Melissa - I LOVE the feet shot - brilliant! Glad to see you joining in on the fun!
Your Buddy,
Dawn ;)
Oh thesea re GREAT! I will need to catch up on the rest of you blog tomorrow, and I will have to tell you what i got for w/b also!
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