Aunt Monica and Uncle Kenny belong to a campground (some resort near Salt Fork)'s a very nice campground, too.. Each year in October they host some Halloween fun. Trick or treating each Saturday, a costume contest, hayrides (we missed this) and a Spooky Cabin (one spooker was Hank and another was Brandon, so you should know it wasn't the big scare them so they cry and run), all the events were made for the fun times for kids. Well, and fun times for the adults, so many of them (young adults and older adults were in costume as well).. I went as the football fan in my red hoodie!! LOL..
So the boys and I headed down to Salt Fork. It takes about an hour and half to get there. We went through all 3
Casting Crowns CD's. Then we sang some other songs like I've Been Redeemed (echo), Amazing Graze, Sanctuary, The Littlest Worm and we went back and forth with the Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar game (which Luke each time yelled out the cookie was good). J was so cute, when someone called out that it was him, he would say "Who ME?" and then we'd say "Yes, YOU" he would repeat so CUTELY "It COULDN'T be"..
Anyway back to the campground.. Monica and Kenny have this permanent site now down there and behind them is the BEAUTIFUL sky. I left my camera at home, but I borrowed moms little point and shoot..
B was an Astronaut (thanks Aunt Linda for the ADORABLE costume)..

Then B was stung by a bee.. Poor guy!! His right side of his face swelled up quickly..

And for some reason, my kiddos like to stick their tongues out at me.. Here's J as a CUTE LITTLE TEDDY BEAR (thanks to Cousin Chrissy and Aunt Sharon for this costume)..He will definitely stay nice and warm in it..

And here's the whole gang outside the Campground Church.. We listened to a wonderful message concerning each of us being SPECIAL. God made us all with different fingerprints, looks, thoughts and speech. "We are a one-of-a-kind creation"..God knew how we would look long before we were born..
Here you will see Hank, Aunt Monica and Grandma in the back row. Brandon, Daniel, J, Bri and Luke in the front row..You'll even notice Daniel carrying Zippy Roo (the Spiderdog doing whatever a Spiderdog does)..D went as a dogwalker!! And L went as last years dragon costume, notice it doesn't fit him in the legs this year!! He won't be wearing this to around the house trick or treating, he wanted to wear this so Grandma could see him wear it.. Isn't he sweet, grandma bought this for him last year after Halloween because he wanted to be a dragon instead of a mouse..

Then J had enough and snuggled up on Grandma's lap and fell asleep. What a great way to end our day, huh??

So then we left and it was then dark. We saw two deer as we got on 77 but then NONE after that.. of course that doesn't mean they weren't there, but hey, we didn't see them and I LIKE that.. We did get to see the moon rising in the sky. It was absolutely breathtaking too..
Enjoy your Sunday..take a break..relax with the family..have fun with friends.. and remember YOU ARE SPECIAL!! GOD made you and He LOVES you!!