A couple of these are from awhile ago...
Grandpa blowing out his candle..He has baby J on his lap..

Baby J in our front yard, giving his mama some eye contact.. This was pretty late in the evening and my ISO was bumped high, so it's pretty noisey..

Here's L the other day at the park...

And, another of L...I like both the b/w on this one..

And Sylvester..

And my adorable Great Nephew 'A'..

We're having a lot of fun on our Summer Vacation away from school. The boys are enjoying playing outside. B and L get absolutely filthy working on there 'hole to China'. I think by the time J is done digging in the hole it will be a lake. Since they probably will have tapped into our water supply. I will have to get some photos of them digging in it on here.. It's really something how big it has gotten over the years..
See ya' later..