Okay... Baby J just doesn't look at me anymore when I have this black thing in front of my face, and that is SOOO hard for me, because I STRIVE for eye contact.. So you take what you get, right? This is his baby squat right now, I LOVE when they do this.. and his trying to whistle look..
The color is looking very WONKY for some reason...They are not this saturated in PS.. I don't know if it's photobucket or what..
And, B just celebrated his '8th' Birthday. He is just growing up TOO fast..
Okay...So, I could say life has been busy, it has but not so busy that I couldn't update my blog.. I am sorry.... Sometimes I procrastinate beyond procrastination!!!
Okay..I'll try to be better...
And, for those question why my name is clear across the images..there have been instances of others stealing 'blog' photos and forum photos and claiming them as their own images. Well,I do not want my boys photos stolen by another..and I hope with my name across them, it will detur that...
For family and friends, if you like an image and you want it, just email me the size you want it cropped to and I will send it to you..