The first day of school was last Tuesday. Our house is settling into a nice routine for the boys and their new schedules. We are a BUSY house in the morning. We are also a quiet household a little after 9PM, YEAH!!
D is now in the 7th grade and attending our local Junior High School! It's unbelievable how fast time has gone by and just how much he has grown in that short time.

B is now in 5th grade and still attending the local Intermediate School. He has his own 'style'. His clothes are not matching this year and he likes it that way.. In fact he says 'I love my clothes and I love that they don't match!'.. You'll see his entire outfit further down as I snapped a quick one out the window of the car as he was heading to the school building.

L is now in 2nd grade! He is a bundle of energy as well. We figured he'd do nothing but talk throughout his days at school and surprisingly he's a nice quiet pupil in the classroom, eager to learn and achieve all he can. I've been blessed with well behaved studious boys, or actually their teachers have been blessed with them.. This was L's first picture, he really wasn't looking forward to being away from home, but it only lasted that morning, now he's fine!

He's such a cutie.. Notice in the picture above his two bottom teeth are pretty loose and are sticking 'out' instead of up! If he spent time wiggling them, they'd fall out, they're barely hanging! His top two are loose, not wiggly yet. I'm hoping they all come out around the same time though. Such cute pictures that will make!
And last, here's B on his way into the school building. Showing off his own style! He's worn the hat everyday since school started..

Have a great day!!